
Mbahet edicioni i 7-të i Kinemasë së Hapur “Green”

Në kuadër të projektit “Mitrovica vepron gjelbër”, 7 Arte organizon aktivitetin tradicional Kinema e Hapur “Green” edicioni i 7-të. Për tre net me radhë (24 -26 Korrik 2015) do të shfaqen filma dokumentar në ambient të hapur pranë urës kryesore të lumit Ibër.

Kinema e hapur “GREEN” tashmë është shndërruar në një aktivitet tradicional, që i dedikohet sensibilizimit dhe aktivizimit shoqëror rreth gjendjes së mjedisit. Njëherit, ofron promovimin e njohurive dhe përvojave ndërkombëtare me qëllim të nxitjes së ideve të reja për një zhvillim të qëndrueshëm të rajonit. Programi do të pasurohet me aktivitete argëtuese me ç’rast do të promovohen artist ë rinj vendor nga fusha të ndryshme të artit.

Gjatë natës së parë do të shfaqet filmi dokumentar i metrazhit të gjatë “Waste land” në regji të Lucy Walker. Nata e dytë i dedikohet filmave të shkurtër dokumentar të prodhuar nga organizata 7 Arte dhe filma ndërkombëtar me tema mjedisore, ndërsa filmi “Everyday rebellion” me regji të vllezërve iranianë Arash T. Riahi dhe Arman T. do të sjell rrëfimin e formave moderne kreative, paqësore dhe civile të mosbindjes qytetare në vende të ndryshme të botës. Pas shfaqjes së çdo filmi do të nxitet debat mbi temën e trajtuar.

Projekti “Mitrovica vepron gjelbër – FESTIVALI GREEN” është mbështetur nga: Zyra e BE-së në Prishtinë përmes programit “Culture for all”, Drejtoria për Kulturë Rini e Sport-Komuna e Mitrovicës, Ambasada e Holandës, Ministria e Diasporës, Diakonie Youth Center, DOKUFEST.

Programi i Kinemase së hapur GREEN:

Nata e I-re / e Premte /24 korrik 2015 – ora 20:00

Waste Land (99 min)– Dokumentar Britaniko-Brazilian ne regji të Lucy Walker i cili përshkruan krijmitarine e artsitit modern ViE vendosur vetëm jashtë, Jardim Gramacho jo larg Rio de Janeiro në Brazil është deponia më e madhe e mbeturinave në botë. Artisti modern Vik Muniz punon me të ashtuquajturat katadores, burra dhe gra që grumbullojnë mbeturinat për të krijuar art nga materiale të riciklueshme. Muniz përzgjedh gjashtë nga mbledhësit e mbeturinave të paraqiten si subjekte në një seri të fotografive që imitojnë piktura të famshme. Në dëshirën e tij për të ndihmuar katadores dhe për të ndryshuar jetën e tyre, Muniz gjen veten të ndryshuar gjithashtu.

Nata e II-te / E Shtunë /25 korrik 2015 – ora 20:00

Filma artistik dhe dokumentar

Çmimi i karbonit (2 min) / Climate Reality /Climate Reality
Rruga përpara (5 min) / Climate reality
Ndikimi i njeriut (5 min) Climate reality
Planeti ynë po vdes (5 min / Saving Earth
Mos u dorëzo (1min) / McCann Eriksson

Nata e III-te / E Diele /26 korrik 2015 – ora 20:00

Everyday rebellion (120 min) – është një dokumentar i drejtuar nga vëllezërit Arman dhe Arash Riahi. Filmi sjell rrëfimin e formave moderne kreative, paqësore dhe civile të mosbindjes qytetare në vende të ndryshme të botës. “Everyday Rebellion” është një thirrje e bazuar në fakte dhe inkurajim i njerëzve të thjeshtë për të mos pranuar që e ardhmja e tyre të cenohet nga qëllimet e ngushta të grupeve të caktuara.

Within the project “Mitrovica goes green “, 7arte organizes its traditional Open Air Cinema “Green” – 7th edition. For three nights in a row (24 -26 July 2015) documentary films will be screened in the open air near the main bridge of Ibar river.
Open Cinema “GREEN” has now become a traditional event, which is dedicated to raise awareness and social activism for environmental issues. In addition, promotes knowledge and international experiences aiming to stimulate new ideas for regional sustainable development.

During the first night the long feature documentary “Waste Land” directed by Lucy Walker will be shown. The second night dedicates to short films and documentaries produced by 7 Arte and to international films with environmental themes, while in the third night the film “Everyday rebellion”, directed by Iranian brothers Arash and Arman T. Riahi T will bring the story of modern creative forms, civil and peaceful civil disobedience in different countries of the world.

After each screening an interactive debate related to the films’s topic will be raised among the audience and moderator.

The ” Mitrovica goes green – Green festival ” is supported by : The EU Office in Prishtina through “Culture for all” , the Municipality of Mitrovica , the Embassy of the Netherlands , the Minister of Diaspora , Diakonie Youth Center, DOKUFEST .

“Green Open Air Cinema” program:

First night- Friday / July 24, 2015 – 20:00

Waste Land is a documentary directed by Lucy Walker which describes the creativity of the modern artist Vik Muniz that uses waste from the largest landfill in the world. Located just outside Rio de Janeiro; Jardim Gramacho, Brazil is the world’s largest garbage landfill. Modern artist Vik Muniz works with the so-called catadores, the men and women who pick through the refuse, to create art out of recycled materials. Muniz selects six of the garbage pickers to pose as subjects in a series of photographs mimicking famous paintings. In his desire to assist the catadores and change their lives, Muniz finds himself changed as well.

Second night- Saturday / July 25, 2015 – 20:00

Artistic and documentary movies

The price of carbon –(2 min) / Climate Reality
The way forward – (5min) / Climate reality
The human impact – 05:26 min / Climate reality
Our planet is dying (5 min) / Saving Earth
Don’t give up – 01:06 min / McCann Eriksson
DOKOYOMI films – (30min) / 7 arte

Third night- Sunday / July 26, 2015 – 20:00
Everyday rebellion- 120 min Everyday rebellion- it is a documentary directed by brothers Arman and Arash Riahi. The film brings the story of modern forms of creative, peaceful civil disobedience and citizens in different countries of the world. “Everyday Rebellion ” is a call based on the facts and the simple encouragement to not accept that their future is jeopardized by narrow goals of certain groups.

Within the project “Mitrovica goes green “, 7arte organizes its traditional Open Air Cinema “Green” – 7th edition. For three nights in a row (24 -26 July 2015) documentary films will be screened in the open air near the main bridge of Ibar river.
Open Cinema “GREEN” has now become a traditional event, which is dedicated to raise awareness and social activism for environmental issues. In addition, promotes knowledge and international experiences aiming to stimulate new ideas for regional sustainable development.

During the first night the long feature documentary “Waste Land” directed by Lucy Walker will be shown. The second night dedicates to short films and documentaries produced by 7 Arte and to international films with environmental themes, while in the third night the film “Everyday rebellion”, directed by Iranian brothers Arash and Arman T. Riahi T will bring the story of modern creative forms, civil and peaceful civil disobedience in different countries of the world.

After each screening an interactive debate related to the films’s topic will be raised among the audience and moderator.

The ” Mitrovica goes green – Green festival ” is supported by : The EU Office in Prishtina through “Culture for all” , the Municipality of Mitrovica , the Embassy of the Netherlands , the Minister of Diaspora , Diakonie Youth Center, DOKUFEST .

“Green Open Air Cinema” program:

First night- Friday / July 24, 2015 – 20:00

Waste Land is a documentary directed by Lucy Walker which describes the creativity of the modern artist Vik Muniz that uses waste from the largest landfill in the world. Located just outside Rio de Janeiro; Jardim Gramacho, Brazil is the world’s largest garbage landfill. Modern artist Vik Muniz works with the so-called catadores, the men and women who pick through the refuse, to create art out of recycled materials. Muniz selects six of the garbage pickers to pose as subjects in a series of photographs mimicking famous paintings. In his desire to assist the catadores and change their lives, Muniz finds himself changed as well.

Second night- Saturday / July 25, 2015 – 20:00

Artistic and documentary movies

The price of carbon –(2 min) / Climate Reality
The way forward – (5min) / Climate reality
The human impact – 05:26 min / Climate reality
Our planet is dying (5 min) / Saving Earth
Don’t give up – 01:06 min / McCann Eriksson
DOKOYOMI films – (30min) / 7 arte

Third night- Sunday / July 26, 2015 – 20:00
Everyday rebellion- 120 min Everyday rebellion- it is a documentary directed by brothers Arman and Arash Riahi. The film brings the story of modern forms of creative, peaceful civil disobedience and citizens in different countries of the world. “Everyday Rebellion ” is a call based on the facts and the simple encouragement to not accept that their future is jeopardized by narrow goals of certain groups.

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About the Author : 7 Arte

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